Taylor Golden
Students showing their favorite perfumes
The stairwell by the umbilical cord is the school pranksters’ favorite stink ball target, while the classrooms are prone to either the sweet smells of every type of flower imaginable or musky woods of any cologne ever created. Every corner of both Taft campuses are always filled with all types of different aromas, either natural or self-bought.
A scent on a person can give you a sneak-peek into their personality, such as what they like and how they show themselves off. Here’s what the student body at Taft has to say about the smelly smelly smells of Taft.
Steven Bitar, senior, says that a scent that is most telling about someone else is any designer scent because most of the time it tells him that they don’t know much about scents.
He says that he likes any scent containing OUD on others. “It’s made to smell different on everyone.” He says his personal favorite scent is MFK Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait. His least favorite is anything from Tom Ford.
On the contrary, Taft senior Jose Nazario’s favorite scent, at the moment, is Tom Ford’s Tuscan Leather, “As it is extremely dark and very musky, however with a hint of spice and sweetness, making you smell very warm.”
Scents that are the most unique and rare smelling tend to tell a lot about someone, said Nazario.
He continued, “A scent that is very different from the rest shows that they are not afraid to express themselves of what they want to be, whether that being in scent or even in fashion. That is why I am not afraid to try different and unique scents because I also like expressing myself in other ways, too.”
When it comes to the scents on a person it can tell a lot about them. Jagoda Gront, senior, provided a great example of what a scent can share about a person. “Successful women who are self-confident and determined to pursue their goals often wear strong perfumes with warm vanilla notes. While teenagers often wear light, floral, fruity perfumes.”
Gront said that a scent she likes on others, but not herself, is definitely cinnamon and pumpkin spice. “I don’t like it on me because it makes me feel like I smell heavy.”
Gront continued by saying that her favorite scents are vanillas, coconuts, and a slight tint of floral. “For Autumn and Winter I choose vanilla scents because they suit the climate better. Floral and coconut scents are better for the warm seasons because they make me feel light and fresh.”
We made a poll on Google Forms which anonymously asked the students here at Taft what scents relax and/or are foul to their nostrils.
Vanilla, “warm,” fruity, and any floral scents were the most favorable among students.
On the flip side, scents that have been commonly disliked among the community contain anything described as “strong” and “overpowering.” Examples include Axe Body Spray, floral perfumes, and body odor.
To me, Vicki Lipski, the best scent is vanilla. Bare Vanilla from Victoria’s Secret, specifically. It’s the perfect middle ground of sweet, but not too sweet. It makes me feel especially feminine. It’s my most used mist; I’ll have to buy more soon.
Every morning students get to wake up and decide if they would like to wear their most expensive perfume or if they would choose a more light mist. Gront said she prefers mists for the everyday use of fragrance but brings out perfume for special occasions for the long lasting durability of the stronger aroma.
My personal opinion, Taylor Golden, is that an aroma that makes me turn my head to give a compliment is anything warm and coconut. My personal favorites are Ariana Grande’s Cloud Eau De Parfum and the Sunslope Icy Coconut & Amber body mist from Victoria’s Secret.
Like the vast population here at Taft I am not a fan of anything super heavy. The smells give me a headache. I like the fragrance of sweet smells on those around me but I would not choose them for myself. This includes cake batter flavors, vanillas, and cotton candies.
The aromas that lie between the two campuses are diversified, the most underrated being the most affordable: soap and deodorant. Some scents are liked more than others but to each and every individual we all have that one scent that we gravitate to.