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Ball on Hoop
Taft High School has many sports teams and activities. From tennis to football, Taft has a variety of sports to choose from and play competitively against other schools. One of the many sports at Taft is basketball. At Taft, the Girls Basketball team represents a part of Taft’s athletes and sports.
The coach of Taft Girls Basketball, Brandon Lathon, stated via email, “The coaching staff tries to keep a pretty open line of communication with those players. We provide a schedule for the majority of the year and we try to provide the players with access to our plays and drills through apps and Google Classroom.”
The team members work on many different aspects of the game. This includes: game situations, skill development, and the fundamentals of basketball. They also watch past games they’ve played and also the past games of upcoming opponents. These are ways the team practices and prepares for their upcoming games.
Girls basketball players work together in order to achieve their common goal which is to win. Taft junior and team member Gabriela Gonzalez said, “By communicating and just having a common goal,” in relation to how the team members work with each other.
Gonzalez spoke about how the coach interacts with the students as well. Gonzalez stated, “If you like being challenged, they’ll push you. If you’re more of a sensitive person, they’ll encourage you.” The coach takes into consideration the characteristics of the players and uses that to help them in a way that is most beneficial to them.
When speaking of her fellow players and coach, Taft junior and team member Abigail Vancil said, “A lot of us get really tired, exhausted. We can feel down at times but we make sure to support one another and our coach helps us.”
The Taft Girls Basketball team is one of Taft’s many sports teams and activities. The girls work together through communication, plans, and playing basketball amongst each other. Coach Lathon helps them according to their needs and personality. Overall, the team works together for a common goal and represents a part of our school’s athletics.