We’ve all heard about the new SOAR “game” that’s been going on. If you haven’t, let me fill you in. Every other week, Taft High School sends an email to your legal guardians letting them know how you’re doing in school. It’s like a digital report card, but you can’t hide it from your parents. For some students, this might be annoying, but for others, it’s not so bad. Let’s hear from Taft students and see what they have to say about it.
Magdalen Gonzales-Solores, a junior at our school, shared her perspective, “I don’t really mind this policy because my grades and attendance are good, so I have nothing to worry about.” She continued, “I understand that it’s kind of annoying because other people who struggle in school might not be happy about this rule, but it could be the perfect motivation for them to stay in school and improve their grades.”
On the other hand, Samuel Radacina, a senior at our school, has a different opinion. “I don’t think this is a good rule because we’re old enough to make our own decisions. Why would our parents need to know about this?” He added, “This just stresses out our parents for no reason, and it can lead to arguments with them…I think it’s unnecessary and kind of stupid. This should stop.”
Mackenzie O’Malley, another senior, shared a similar view to Radacina. “I think this is a very stupid rule,” she said. “I don’t want my mom to know about my grades and attendance.” She continued, “I’m almost 18. Those are my grades, and nobody should have access to them besides my teachers.” She also said, “They’re doing this against our will, and I think it’s very wrong. This needs to stop.”
It’s clear that some students aren’t happy about this rule, and want it to end. And if you ask me, it’s understandable. It can be a bit annoying, but sometimes, there are ways to look at it that make it more manageable.
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Marta Radacina, Reporter